Image shows a sun with the words vitamin D

Top Thyroid Nutrients – Vitamin D

Our thyroid glands are very nutrient hungry.  Alongside making sure you eat balanced meals (you can download the free balanced meal planner for hormonal harmony here) these are my top 4 Micronutrients for optimal thyroid function.  There are some tips on how you can maximise these in each meal too and some signs that you may be deficient.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a bit different to most vitamins, in fact it is more like a hormone. I can pretty much guarantee that you are not getting enough of it from food!  It is very important for your thyroid as vitamin D deficiency is strongly associated with higher TSH levels. Not only that, having your Vitamin D levels optimal is going to help prevent the development and progression of thyroid autoimmunity because vitamin D plays such a huge role in our immune system health.

Vitamin D is the ‘vitamin’ we get from the sun.  With so many people avoiding the sun  combined with inability to synthesise vitamin D from the sun over the over Winter months, having low or borderline levels is much more common then you might realise.

Vitamin D is one of the hardest nutrient to get via the food. Cod liver oil is a good source, but we need to consume a lot even to get to 1000iu. Seafood is going to give you more than most foods and includes other important thyroid nutrients like iodine.  Eggs are also a good source.

If you don’t eat seafood or just want to get diversity, the highest plant-based source is mushrooms. It 100% depends on how and where they are grown though as many are  grown in the dark so contain very little. So pop your mushrooms on a sunny windowsill and they will create more vitamin D to defend themselves from solar radiation. Scientists have found exposing white button mushrooms to a UV lamp for as little as 1 second skyrockets vitamin D to the point where one serving contains more than 824 per cent of RDI’s. So it is very worthwhile to do this.

Otherwise controlled sun exposure over the Summer months and/or vitamin D supplementation may be indicated.  You can ask your doctor for a vitamin D blood test to find out your levels but sometimes you need to self refer for it.  I recommend all thyroid patients or clients of mine to get their levels checked and anyone with any immune concerns.  

If you would like to check out my other 3 top recommended thyroid nutrients click the links below.  I hope you have found this post and series helpful.  Remember Nutrition is not a one sized fits all and if you want a personal take on the top nutrients for you check out the offer below.



Vitamin A

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If you want a personalised take on the best nutrients are for you right now, consider a Health and Hormone audit. 

If you suspect a thyroid disorder I can give you recommendations for testing, supplements and nutrition to help you get clear on what is going on and get you started on the path to feeling much better.

Picture of Julie McGill

Julie McGill

Holistic clinical nutritionist, mum, and passionate advocate for women thriving naturally through perimenopause.

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Image of Julie McGill Holistic Nutritionist
Hi, I'm Julie

I help women thrive through perimenopause naturally.

As a qualified clinical nutritionist, mother, and someone who’s navigated my own thyroid issues and now  “second puberty,” I truly understand the challenges of this phase.

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